America's Green Office Supply since 1992

Greenline Paper Company

About Us

Since 1992 GreenLine Paper Company has been dedicated solely to the sales of quality, environmentally-sound products. It is our company vision to grow with the support of satisfied customers and help lead the office products industry to higher levels of sustainability. Unlike conventional office product companies, GreenLine is owned and operated by environmentalists--that's why "every purchase is a trustworthy investment in a better world."

Greenline Website

Greenline has partnered with Web on Fire and Nicely Done Sites to provide you with this site. Both partners are industry experts in providing eCommerce websites and solutions. They host our site and provide us with incredible customer support. Both companies are located in York, PA.

Web on Fire -

Nicely Done Sites -

GreenLine Holiday Gift Ideas

Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of using green office supplies to contribute to a more sustainable world and they find that “going green” is easy. This holiday season we invite you to try our planet friendly & fair trade choices.

Sustainable Business Network - Philadelphia

A nonprofit network of local triple-bottom-line businesses and social entrepreneurs. We are local business people, professionals, social entrepreneurs, investors, not-for-profit leaders, and government representatives who are committed to building a more socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable local economy. GreenLine Paper is an SBN member and committed to local/independent business.